Wisconsin categorizes service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support animals very differently. Service animals are specially trained to perform a task or chore for their owners. Therapy dogs are trained to provide therapy to other people in crises (sometimes in grouping settings).

Emotional support animals (ESA), on the other hand, are animals that provide comfort and support to their owners but by beingness present. Although these animals are not necessarily specially trained, they are nonetheless considered a vital tool for those who suffer from many mental illness forms.

Emotional back up animals can be a wide variety of animals and exist to provide their owners with friendship, companionship, and unconditional support.

If yous are an ESA possessor in Wisconsin, you have legal protections nether the police. In this article, we'll explicate the benefits of being an ESA owner and the procedure to authorize for an emotional support animate being in the Badger Country.

If you lot believe an emotional support animal would be beneficial in your life, complete the questionnaire in the link below, and a healthcare professional licensed for Wisconsin will assist yous with the process.

ESA Letter Questionnaire
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal in Wisconsin

If y'all believe an emotional support animate being would be beneficial in your life, complete the questionnaire in the link beneath and a licensed therapist in Wisconsin will assist you with the procedure.

Who Is Eligible for an Emotional Support Animal in Wisconsin?

To authorize for an emotional back up animal, you demand to accept a mental or emotional wellness inability. This includes (but is not express to) conditions such as astringent feet, PTSD, phobias, social anxieties, and low. The mental or emotional wellness condition must "substantially limit one or more major life activities."

A licensed healthcare professional is all-time qualified to address whether you meet the criteria for having a mental health disability. To take reward of the benefits of being an ESA owner, y'all need to have a signed recommendation letter from a licensed professional person — known as an ESA letter of the alphabet.

An ESA letter establishes that a person has a mental or emotional health inability and that an emotional back up animal relieves symptoms of this condition. An ESA alphabetic character must come from a licensed healthcare professional such every bit a therapist or doctor, and if you alive in Wisconsin, they demand to exist licensed to practice in your state.

ESAs in Apartments and Rental Units

Emotional support animals must be reasonably accommodated in apartments, condos, and rental houses without extra fees or deposits.

In Wisconsin, owners of emotional back up animals have the correct to live with their ESA even if their building doesn't allow pets. Landlords and building managers cannot discriminate confronting people that need an ESA.

They likewise cannot charge the tenant whatsoever extra fees or deposits to business firm the emotional support animal. ESAs are likewise exempt from property rules that restrict animals of a certain size or breed. Under federal Fair Housing rules, housing providers must "reasonably accommodate" tenants with emotional back up animals.

There are some limitations, of form, as the accommodation must be "reasonable." A landlord does not have to let for an emotional support animate being if, for instance, the ESA has demonstrated dangerous behavior or is a wellness risk to others.

However, a landlord cannot categorically discriminate against an ESA solely because information technology is a sure breed or they have preconceived notions about the particular fauna. At that place has to exist real bear witness the ESA poses a direct threat to the rubber or health of others.

The ESA Letter of the alphabet

If you lot programme to bring home an emotional support animal and live in a no-pets building, your landlord is entitled to run into proof that y'all take an ESA. That proof comes in the form of an ESA letter written past a licensed healthcare professional.

An ESA alphabetic character should be on the professional person's letterhead and contain their license and contact information. The letter should establish that you take a mental or emotional health disability that is assisted by an emotional support fauna.

If you need a licensed healthcare professional who specializes in ESA recommendations, ESA Doctors tin connect you lot to one who is licensed to practice in Wisconsin.

Did you know that Wisconsin allows you to get an ESA letter of the alphabet online?

how to get ESA letter

Do I have to annals my Emotional Support Animate being?

No! ESA registration is non recognized by the police. If your landlord requests your "registration number," they are misinformed about emotional support animals' laws. Online registries accept no ties to any governmental agency or official database. The merely valid proof to demonstrate that you own a real emotional support animal is an ESA letter.

Emotional Support Animals Flying to and from Wisconsin

Psychiatric Service Dogs can wing in cabins with their owners without whatever additional fees.

You may have already heard that emotional support animals are no longer allowed to board flights due to regulatory changes that went into upshot in 2021. The only type of mental health help animal that can board flights without a fee is psychiatric service dogs (PSDs).

To qualify for a psychiatric service canis familiaris, you need to meet two major requirements:

  1.  The handler of the PSD must take a mental wellness, emotional, or learning inability. A licensed healthcare professional is all-time suited to assess whether an individual meets these criteria and can as well issue a PSD alphabetic character to qualifying clients.
  2. A psychiatric service canis familiaris must be fully trained to perform at to the lowest degree one chore or chore that assists with the owner'south disability. A PSD that is in the process of beingness trained is not yet considered a total-fledged service animal.

PSD owners can lath flights as long as they submit the DOT's Service Animal Air Transportation Form to the airline before departure. The DOT form requires the rider to certify that they take a fully trained service dog that is needed to assist with a psychiatric disability.

How to Get your Psychiatric Service Dog Letter online from ESA Doctors

How To Get a PSD Letter - Three Easy Steps - ESADoctors
PSD Letter

Emotional Back up Animals in the Wisconsin Workplace

Most employers will not permit emotional support animals in the workplace.

Unfortunately, there is no divers rule or police in place in Wisconsin when it comes to ESAs in the workplace. However, since these animals are non viewed as service animals, you will probable non be allowed to bring your emotional support animate being to your place of employment.

Most workplaces do not accommodate ESAs, but you lot may desire to see if your employer or HR section has a policy regarding assistance animals.


Emotional back up animals can be a gift to those suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and PTSD. Live your life to the fullest!

Don't live another moment with a mental or emotional health issue when an ESA may be the answer to your bug. Having an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional will give you the protections afforded to ESA owners under federal housing rules.

Qualify for an Emotional Back up Animal in Wisconsin Today
